Saturday, March 11, 2017

New series starting - Lassi with Lola Liberal

Hello all,
     We start a new series shortly. Meet Lola Liberal - she was my college mate. Highly intelligent, beautiful, confident and modern. Also very successful and jet setting. She had a soft corner for me back then (in my more handsome avataar) and has since kept in touch. We have been meeting ever since and have engaging conversations over lassi (which she loves for some quaint reason - unlike the usual mojitos and tequilas she is used to). She is a "liberal" and has a natural angst against the "cow guys" (as she calls them) i.e. RSS/BJP and that makes for some great debates. She was also a Barkha fan like everyone else but is slowly developing doubts due to my persistent "Bhakt" arguments. She gets agitated over the latest NDTV+ attack on PM Modi and invariably calls me for a lassi. The series is about our conversation on the "outrage of the day" - hope you will enjoy it and follow it on my blog.

- A

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